Thursday, April 29, 2010

Storage Unit

I went to rent a storage unit today so that I can start moving stuff as soon as possible. As we were signing the lease, the guy was going through all the terms... like you can't keep illegal things in there, you can't keep pets in there, you pay your lease late and eventually they'll auction your stuff, and then he came to the part where you can't "live out of the storage unit". He said this laughing, but I had to clarify what he meant. Luckily, he said it meant sleeping in the storage unit...


  1. I could see it now...bed all set up and cooler in the corner...

  2. Ok, I know I'm what many people would like to call "crazy" but let's not get too out of hand.. I do draw the line at some point. Sleeping in my storage unit is beyond that line.

  3. Brent just mentioned all the money you're going to be saving on cable bills and other utilities... although I guess this pays for the storage unit. Either way, you still win.

  4. how would you even "live out of the storage unit"? is there a lock on the outside, or would you leave it unlocked? it just makes no sense to live in it

  5. My utilities are only usually like $20/month because I'm never here, but my cableinternet is like $100/month and the storage is only $45/month. WIN.
