Saturday, September 4, 2010


Last night, my Hartford night, I stayed at my friend/co-worker's house while they are vacationing in Paris. This morning, before my departure to Charlotte for the weekend, I went to the gym, then headed back to the house to shower and finish packing up. When I got there, I opened the garage and much to my surprise, the Audi sitting in the garage was GONE!

I was frantic, and went and checked every door in the house (all were still locked). Peered in through the doorwall to see that the house looked as if it were the same order in which I had left it. I went to the next door neighbor's house and rang the doorbell to see if he knew anything, but he wasn't home. And I frantically called and texted them in Paris, but couldn't get a hold of them. Finally, I worked up the courage to go inside the house (where everything was normal, including my computer was still there). I started trying to find their son's phone number when I got a call from Paris.

Turns out Greg's brother came to pick up the car and take it to the dealership, and the crisis ended just as quickly as it began.

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