Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yet another strange story

Welcome to Greenville, Ohio... the hometown of American legend of Annie Oakley and the setting of this latest bizarre travel story.

I arrived in Ohio from Connecticut late at night after a delayed flight, still somewhat jet lagged from my vacation in Norway. So I checked into the hotel and headed up to Room 320 to pass out for a few hours before headed to work very early in the morning.

The night begins as usual.. I ride the elevator up to the third floor, key in the door, green light on, open the door, peer into my room, but oddly, I notice a watch and ring on the dresser, and then look up to find a man standing in his boxers staring at me. We stare at each other for a moment, and at first I think that maybe I was so tired that I walked into the wrong room, but once I realize that this is definitely not a possibility, I politely excuse myself and go back downstairs to the front desk to ask for my own room from the lady at the front desk (who was more mortified by this incident than the man or I was).


  1. bills--the ring was off--that means he wasn't married anymore and half dressed--you should have stayed! (colleen, not anonymous as my post may have you believe)

  2. he was a bit old for me.. but the beer belly indicated that we have similar interests
