Friday, November 19, 2010

No Address.

Great. I just received notification via email from the Post Office that I forgot to pay my biannual fee to keep my PO Box open. They closed it, and now I temporarily have no mailing address.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcome to Russia.

Near Death Experience #1: From Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod I flew on S7 Airlines. The “S” stands for Siberian, which means it’s a Russian plane and Russian pilot. Having worked in Russia, I know that this cannot be that safe of a combination. While on board the 50 minute flight, we abruptly hit the most violent bout of turbulence I have ever experienced. There was no warning from the pilot or anything. The lady behind me was crying, the flight attendants were looking scared, people were muffling their screams, and I was literally praying because I thought that it was going to be the end of my life. I am by no means a person who is scared of flying, but I truly thought this was the end. It lasted maybe 3-5 minutes (which felt like an hour) and then it stopped, just as suddenly as it started, with no word from the pilot. Welcome to Russia.

Near Death Experience #2: Maintenance guy was welding something for us and didn't remove it from its location. It was too close to a machine that had oil lubricant.. sparks flew, and the machine caught on fire (had a vacuum sealed part on it -- which is explosive) and neither of the two fire extinguishers we could find worked. We had to find a bucket of water to dump on it, and after wards had to clean out the entire machine because the oil was now mixed with water. It's the second fire that's started within the last 3 days. Welcome to Russia.

By the way, are we sure history books are right when they say that it was Russia and the USA who were a part of the Space Race?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A little bit of panic never hurt anyone..

So you had to of known when I typed the previous itinerary that there was no way it would go that smoothly.

I started the day at 6:00am in Chicago, flew to LaGuardia, and took a taxi to the Visa Processing office in Manhatten to pick up my passport. When I got there, they acted really surprised to see me. They didn’t expect to have it until tomorrow due to last week's holiday in Russia (despite their conformation that it would be ready Thursday).

After going through my paperwork, they realized that it was their mistake and sent a liaison over to try to negotiate with the Russian consulate to pick it up. However, there was some kind of bomb scare, so the Russian consulate was closed for approximately 4 hours. I got a call from the office that it was very unlikely I would get my passport tonight.

In the mean time I was walking around NYC and ran into the Veteran's Day parade, met an old college friend for coffee, and walked and walked and walked.

I almost never get stressed about things going wrong traveling, but this one was causing me some anxiety since I really need to be in Moscow tomorrow. If I missed the flight, that would mean I would miss the meeting altogether since we are both meeting in Moscow en route to someplace else. Luckily for me, Murphy's Law proved wrong for once and the story ends well since I am now enjoying some relaxation in the Lufthansa lounge before my flight..

Anyways, I say things are good.. but it's only been 15 hours since I left this morning, and it'll be another 11.5 before I arrive at the airport in Moscow.. so there's plenty of room for more adventures.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Plumbing Technology

So here was my itinerary for this trip:

Saturday: Fly into Chicago, IL, Drive down to West Lafayette, IN for weekend with friends and family
Monday: Drive to Champaign, IL for work
Wednesday: Drive to Chicago, IL just as a transportation night
Thursday: Fly to LaGuardia NY, pick up passport, fly from JFK to Moscow
Friday: Arrive in Moscow
Saturday: Meeting in Moscow
Sunday: Fly to Nizhny Novgorod

Now, you know on a stint like this.. something is bound to happen. I'm already at Wednesday (Chicago, IL) and things have gone pretty smoothly so far.

However, tonight when I got to my hotel near the airport after I flushed the toilet, and it just kept running and running. I'm not really into fixing toilets, so I decided if I let it run for a while it might stop on it's own... until I got a call from the front desk. They explained to me that the person below me was complaining that there was a noise that sounded like a radio. My only guess was that it was the running toilet, so I was forced to take action. I lifted the lid to see if the thing was stuck (yes, this is very technical plumber lingo) and much to my surprise, it was filled with doorknobs...

I'm not so sure what to make of this.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween in Chicago

A weekend with two of my favorites in Chicago..

I typically hate halloween.. but somehow we managed to have some fun. I had two costumes because one was suffocating me..

At 5am I woke up to the sound of the fire alarm going off.. turns out we almost burned down Sara's apartment by leaving the pizza rolls in the oven overnight... if you ever wondered what pizza rolls looked like after baking for 9 hours, now you know:

Monday, November 1, 2010

I literally live at work.

I had put it off for about 2 weeks and just used my passport.. but finally this week I went to get my replacement license. It got to a point where I couldn’t put it off anymore because my passport is required for finishing the processing of my Russian Visa.

Not surprisingly, I needed to give them a permanent address, even after I explained my situation to the lady at the DMV and even after she talked to her supervisor. (I’d like say ‘told you so’ to the officer that pulled me over for talking on my cell phone and told me I could put a PO Box on my license).

They told me I could put an address of a hotel I frequently stay at (not normal), so I gave up and put the office address. People who work a lot always use the phrase “I live at work”, but now my permanent residence is at work... I literally live at work. If I ever get fired it’s going to be awkward.